Passes are $3.00 each for the routes and $2.00 each for the shuttle. Looking for a way to save money?
If you purchase 40 or more, at one time, a 10% discount will be given. If you have any questions just give us a call at (518) 943-3625.
If you are using our Route 711, try our new Https:// prepaid fare for an all day pass on the Route 711 Teal bus for $5.00.
This is a Route Deviation Service. All routes allow a passenger to use a deviation, up to ¾ of a mile, off the main route used by those who cannot get to a scheduled stop. A reservation must be made, by contacting us at (518) 943-3625, 24 hours before the end of the business day before the ride is needed. There is an additional $10 fee, each way, charged for this service.
Transfer to get all the way there! If you must use two bus routes to get to your destination, you can make use of our free transfers. Transfers are intended to get you to your one-way-trip destination without paying for a double fare.
Plan your trip ahead of time and be prepared to have cash or a valid pass. Look at the route that stops at your location and intersects with the route that you will need to make at the transfer point. Make sure you know what time the last two buses can get you back to your starting point. If you need any assistance making your plans, give us a call and we can help you have a successful trip.
There are rules to this free opportunity.
The transfer spot will enable you to get on the bus within the time frame of the valid transfer. That way you will spend the least amount of time waiting for the second bus.
- The transfer spot will be determined by the drivers of both runs and/or GCT Dispatch.
- A transfer will only be written for the next available bus.
- A transfer cannot be used as a return trip fare.
- A transfer can only be used to complete a one-way-trip.
- A transfer cannot be used for a destination that you can get to by using one bus.
- A transfer is only valid for the bus route, pickup time and date that it has been created for.
- A transfer can only be used by the person it was created for.
- A transfer can only be used one time and must be shown to the driver of the second bus and deposited in the farebox.
If you are still unsure and would like to use this service, just give us a call and we can help you. Call Greene County Transit at: (518) 943-3625.
Misuse of a transfer is considered theft of services and will be prosecuted as such.